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IAGG Follow-Up

The IAGG World Congress on Geriatrics and Gerontology in San Francisco was an exciting and, at times, overwhelming experience. The organizers put on a terrific program, which covered a huge span of aging-related research. Former COAH Director Dr. Linda Fried gave an inspiring keynote address, as did many of the featured speakers throughout this 5 day event. I attended sessions and symposia led by many Hopkins colleagues, as well as frailty-related presentations and posters from leaders from across the world. Highlights for me included the chronic inflammation symposium chaired by Dr. Walston, and the symposium on international perspectives on integrating frailty in clinical practice chaired by Dr. McAdams-Demarco. I presented my poster at the Frailty III session on July 26 and I thank all who stopped by for the great discussions and challenging questions. Like many, I was wiped out by the end of the conference but in reviewing notes and talking with a colleague on the flight back to Baltimore, I was reminded of how immersive, informative, and valuable these large-scale scientific conferences can be.

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